National Assembly for Wales / Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Health and Social Care Committee / Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol


Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill / Bil Rheoleiddio ac Arolygu Gofal Cymdeithasol (Cymru)

Evidence from One Voice Wales – RISC 27 / Tystiolaeth gan Un llais Cymru – RISC 27


Consultation: Evidence on the general principles of Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Bill


One Voice Wales Response


One Voice Wales is recognised by the Welsh Government as the national representative body for community and town councils in Wales. It represents the sector on the Local Government Partnership Council and some three-quarters of the 735 community and town councils are already in membership, with numbers growing year on year. As well as our representative role, we also provide support and advice to councils on an individual basis and have previously launched, with Welsh Government support, a modular training programme for councillors. We believe strongly that community councils are well-placed to develop the economic, social and environmental well-being of the areas they serve and, as such, are active and proactive in debating key issues such as energy policies, environmental issues and strategic planning. Our sector strongly supports any measures that will improve the health and social well-being of our families and communities, and we agree with the general direction of this proposed legislation. We would add three specific points:


Firstly, it is appreciated that this proposed bill would be implemented in parallel with the Social Services and Wellbeing Bill, and between them it is hoped that they will succeed in regulating health and social care services in Wales.


Secondly, One Voice Wales welcomes the proposal for a new Social Care College/Institute to develop the profession in Wales.


Lastly, it is noted that social care tends to be a lower paid profession and it is hoped that measures within this Bill will help to improve circumstances for people who work in this profession, which will in turn help to improve the work of the profession as a whole.


Dr. Del Morgan

Swyddog Datblygu/Development Officer

Un Llais Cymru/One Voice Wales

24c College Street


SA18 3AF